Tuesday, 28 October 2014
Far far away, where the fairies like to play...Visit Hogsback

Wednesday, 15 October 2014
When the laugh of a hyena gives you chills
The spotted hyena is a skillful hunter but also a scavenger. Truly an opportunistic feeder, it selects the easiest and most appealing food, so a herd of buffalo with a few calves are bound to be the perfect targets.
Last night while the camp slept and the birds silenced, the night sky became the perfect assistant to a local spotted hyena clan. The silence of my bush sleep was broken by an ear wrenching gargling scream. I woke up in such a panic and the hairs on both my arms stood to attention while my heart pounded so loud it was audible.
Being that I live in an area where we are on constant edge and alert because of poachers, this was not the pleasant awakening that I had become accustomed to.
Suddenly the nights silence was filled with hyena calls, followed by more blood curdling screams. I could only lie back and pray that whatever they were ripping to pieces was going to be granted a quick death. This was not to be, as the cries of the chosen midnight snack continued for another 15 minutes while the hyena calls became louder and more desperate.
Hyenas make a variety of sounds, including wailing calls, howling screams and the famous "laughing" call used to alert other clan members in the surrounding area that dinner is served.
After a sickening thirty minutes I presumed the fight was over and the hyenas had won, as there were no more screams, just a night full of hyena laughter. I said a prayer and closed my eyes in order to catch a bit of a sleep before I faced what had happened just minutes before.
This morning when I woke up I went straight to the lodge to find the night guard, who I was certain would be able to give me a few more details regarding the clans evening activities.
He confirmed that the clan that had been hovering around our plains, found the herd of buffalo that were bathing in the watering hole just the afternoon before, and viciously grabbed one of their young, causing distress to the mother of the unfortunate calf who was no match for the clan of four.
Usually hyenas chase their pray to exhaustion, but this buffalo calf was bitten and eaten alive within minutes of the attack. The clan then dragged it's barely alive, but still breathing body into the bush where our guard lost all sighting of the feast but spent the rest of the evening listening, like me, to a few more screams which slowly subsided and transformed to hyena laughs.
The kill was within meters of my garden, and the sounds are something I will never forget. No bush experience I have had before could have prepared me for that dread I was left with after hearing those screams. All I could do was listen and respect nature and my surroundings for all that it is. And it is, sometimes, more real and raw than anything I have seen of felt before.
So as the sun goes down, I await to see if tonight will bring the same terror as it did just 18 hours ago. Although for now, I'm blessed with a chorus of birds and a honking of Harry the Hippo, but I am in no means ignorant to the reality behind these beautiful lands.